Thrive Africa operated between 2009 and 2020.
Founded by Mark Cambridge and Maxwell Donkor in 2009 as a UK (1138902) & Ghana (D.S.W/5822) registered charity, in 2013 the charity in Ghana took over full control and this placed the Ghanaian Trustees and Management with the responsibility of the charities operations and future.
Working in partnership with the Ghana Education Service, Department of Social Welfare and The Ministry of Health, we were able to deliver the following projects.
- 344 Libraries built in public primary and secondary schools. With 500,000+ books donated by UK charity Book Cycle.
- 16 ICT Rooms built in public primary and secondary schools.
- 400+ Caregivers of orphans and vulnerable children supported through sustainable income generation schemes in farming, basket weaving and shea butter production. 27 home extensions where housing for children was inadequate. The distribution of bicycles to caregivers without means of transport, facilitating caregivers in remote areas to access and be registered with the national health service.
- Planting over 11,000 fruit trees as part of a disaster prevention programme to protect mud brick homes and community buildings in the rainy season, provide shelter from the summer heat and provide a free source of fruit to the communities.
Thank you to the employees, volunteers, trustees, stakeholders and partners for helping deliver these projects.
Maxwell Donkor and the Thrive Africa team now works with our sister organization https://toliveinhope.org/ who run many community based projects in Ghana. Please contact them for volunteering and corporate partnership opportunities. Mark Cambridge now operates amai.com and CareerSidekick.com.